The Real Story about Bill Browder and the Trump Tower Meeting.

Dr. Brett Harris (Ph.D.)
7 min readSep 15, 2023


The Trump Tower meeting was staged for to create a “Russian” meeting for the Steele Dossier, but contrary to a false story likely spread by Bill Browder to Fox News and other conservative media, neither Glen Simpson nor Natalia Veselnitskaya were part of the plot.

The reason they were in New York on 9 June 2016, was to attend the first appeal hearing of Bill Browder, in the Prevezon Case. In 2013, Browder falsely accused Russian national Denis Katsyv of money laundering, alleging he received a mere $800,000 from Browder’s non-existent Magnitsky- $230m Russian tax fraud. As it transpired, the entire case was provided by Browder, and under oath, Agent Todd Hyman, assisting the investigation, was forced to admit they never checked Browder’s evidence.

Browder had created a plan with then US Attorney Preet Bharara, to create a US legal precedent in case law, so that any Russian national named by Browder as associated with Magnitsky’s death or the fake tax fraud, could have their US property confiscated at will, just like the Magnitsky Act, no due process, no evidence required.

The US law firm, Baker-Hostetler, hired by Veselnitskaya on behalf of Denis Katsyv, had hired Glenn Simpson in 2013, to investigate Browder, long before the Steele engagement. As detailed in both his Senate and House testimonies, Simpson discovered that Browder’s Magnitsky story was full of unsubstantiated allegations and inconsistencies (thank Sen Feinstein for releasing Simpson’s testimony, the GOP Senators were protecting Browder).

In both testimonies, Simpson denied any knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. Natalya Veselnitskaya has said she hardly spoke to Simpson on the morning of 9th June, when they both attended Browder appeal hearing, and that she considered the Trump Tower meeting to be a private matter.

Given the Browder disinformation planted in the conservative media, Rep Devin Nunes, formed the opinion that Simpson may have lied to Congress. Since Nunes was unable make a case against Simpson, he was unable to find any evidence. However, there was no attempt to retract the story by conservative outlets, and the false narrative continued to by John Solomon and various Fox News commentators.

The only commentator on the right to correct the record was former prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, that since Browder had an appeal on 9th June in New York, and that Simpson was hired over three years before by Baker-Hostetler, that Veselnitskaya and Simpson were there on legitimate business, on the John Batchelor Show. This is the only mention of Browder’s 9th June appeal in New York, on any conservative media after an extensive search.

If Browder had nothing to hide, why was his 9 June appeal hearing in New York put on the no-news-list?

William Browder was ordered to give testimony regarding claims made about Prevezon Holdings Ltd.

Browder had previously run away from being served with the same subpoena. One could think that Browder’s was afraid to be questioned under oath, and he was right. Judge Griesa was not amused.

Manhattan Federal Judge Thomas Griesa ruled that Mr. William F. Browder must reveal the sources of information he gave to federal prosecutors that led to charges against Prevezon Holdings Ltd.

Browder was ordered to be deposed on 15 April 2015 in the Southern District of New York.

Browder’s testimony under oath was devastating, his entire Magnitsky Story was shown to be an elaborate fabrication, he couldn’t substantiate any of the allegations against Katsyv and all the Russian officials he had unjustly had sanctioned via the Magnitsky Act. Needless to say the political fallout would have been immense, but of course no media would touch it. Browder then launched into a year long attempt to disqualify Baker-Hostetler, to bury his deposition, and to engage in a massive smear campaign against Baker-Hostetler, Simpson and Veselnitskaya.

Enter the mysterious Rob Goldstone, music promoter for Emin Agalarov, son of Aras Agalarov, Russian-Azeri property developer.

Goldstone contacts Emin, telling him that Don Jr might be available to meet Veselnitskaya, who naively believed she would be allowed to speak the the US Senate about Browder and his false accusations against her client. Goldstone then told Don Jr that she would have “dirt” on Hillary. In his Senate and House Interviews, Goldstone acted dumb, claiming he made up stories to make Don Jr want to meet with her, in a classic middleman deception.

It is well known that Jonathan Winer of the Kerry State Dept was Browder’s lobbyist for the Magnitsky Act, making up much of Browder’s fake story. Winer has also been Steele’s handler at State since 2011, passing Steele’s “intel” about Ukraine to Victoria Nuland. While there is no proof, it seems highly likely that Browder had Winer hire Simpson, to manage Steele, closing the loop, as part of his effort to discredit Veselnitskaya and Simpson, the two people he held responsible for his deposition, if despite the complete mainstream media avoidance of the story, the deposition is made public.

Browder knew they would be at his appeal, on the morning of the 9th June, and would have been the source for the fake story that the pair met “before” and “after” the Trump Tower meeting, and conspired together to setup the meeting.

The smoking gun came with the leak of Robert Otto’s emails in 2017, soon after the news of the Trump Tower meeting “broke”. An email showed that Browder had Veselnitskaya’s house in Moscow under surveillance, and sent a photo to Kyle Parker, and Otto, on 6 June, the day she had her US-Visa approved via the State Dept.

Not only was Browder intimidating a member of the defence team, he was clearly engaged in Obstruction of Justice. He also was part of a conspiracy to both discredit the Prevezon Defence, and along with Winer, Goldstone and Steele, create a fake Russian meeting for the Steele Dossier.

Browder — Photo of Veselnitskaya’s Moscow House

Bill Browder April 15, 2015 Video Deposition:

Official Court Transcript:

Browder testifies to the Senate August 2017, and without evidence accuses unknown Russian officials with setting up the the Trump Tower meeting. He further invented a story where he was 100% sure said Russians would have planned many weeks to get their result. Browder, of course, with his hubris, unconsciously wanted to tell the world of his plan.

Veselnitskaya interview where she confirms Browder’s intimidation tactics, which may be grounds for Obstruction of Justice.

While this evidence is highly suggestive, it is possible that this was all a giant coincidence, but that doesn’t change the fact that Browder intimidating a member of the legal defence of a man who he falsely accused of money laundering, after they have exposed his entire story as fraud, ought be more than enough to indict Browder.

After Denis Katsyv paid millions of dollars in legal fees, with unethical threats of a drawn out civil trial, Katsyv settled the case for $6 million dollars to the US treasury. His name was cleared, he had no connection with the death of Magnitsky or the hypothetical $230 tax fraud.

But that wasn’t enough for Browder, he immediately filed a lawsuit in the Netherlands, to freeze the $6 million that the US government had agreed to unfreeze as part of the settlement. Katsyv complained of collusion, but the US government said they had abided by their agreement, what Browder did was his business. This meant that Katsyv was in violation of the settlement agreement, and his property in New York was seized instead.

Furthermore, Natalya Veselnitskaya had agreed to testify to the Senate Intelligence Committee in March 2018. While she was questioned about her relationship with Glen Simpson and FusionGPS, in the Prevezon Case, which was entirely separate from the Steele Dossier, by her account she also told them the truth about Browder. At present her testimony has never been released to the public. In a complete coincidence, Browder associate and convicted criminal Mikhail Khodorkovsky, hacked her emails on the very day she was testifying. A trap was set by MSNBC, who were given doctored copies of her emails, in order to set her up on a fake Obstruction charge, based on the spurious fact that Russia never provided evidence against Katsyv in an MLAT request, but only evidence against Browder. The narrative became that she illegally colluded with the Russian Prosecutor General to omit the “evidence against Katsyv”, and replace it with “false” allegations against Browder.

She will never face trial, but by definition she can never travel to any country which has an extradition treaty with the US, and Browder gets to dismiss any evidence she has against him, by accusing her of professional misconduct.

Browder is a real piece of…. work!

He is also acclaimed around the world as a champion of Human Rights.

Why do so many people appear to believe Browder’s version of events, they can’t all be gullible or stupid? The truth is that to realise that Browder has concocted such elaborate hoax, while trusted politicians and journalists shower him with praise, completely suppressing the truth, is far too painful and far too dangerous, that most prefer to blissfully remain in the propaganda bubble.



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